EBEC (European BEST Engineering Competition) - international engineering competition, organized each year for students in European universities of technology. In the competition companies present one of their problems and students have the opportunity to try to solve them! Using their creativity and technical skills in just 2 days students come up with the most inventive and ingenious solutions to company provided problems!

Goal of the event  event provides space for students to challenge themselves by solving company provided tasks, get to know current trends and problems in the industry, as well communicate with attending companies!

Structure - competition happens in two separate categories: Case Study and Team Design. Teams are made up of 4 people and participate in one of two categories.

Team Design

In this category your team will have, using only the provided tools and materials and your technical skills, to design and create a new item or a tool, which would fulfill the task requirements. Each year new and innovative tasks are presented, which always require teamwork, creativity and technical skills.

Previous tasks:

Old printers were transformed into wind farms.

Sudentams teko susidoroti su itin išradinga užduotimi – pasverti važiuojanti automobilį, kuriai įvykdyti studentai naudojo ir konkurso organizatorių pateiktas medžiagas, ir plastikinę tarą, balionus bei kitus po ranka pasitaikiusius daiktus.

Students had a task to build as precise as possible stopwatch.

From old music player students were making smart locks and keys for them.

Dalyviai sulaukė dviejų užduočių. Viena jų – sukonstruoti ir suprogramuoti LEGO robotus, kurie pagal numatytas taisykles turi atlikti užduotis ant FLL-lego stalo. Kita – sukurti kuo išmanesnį kelią ir pritaikyti jam kuo daugiau veikiančių inžinerinių sistemų. Kelias turėjo būti kuo saugesnis, ekologiškesnis ir patogesnis.

Participants had to build a lift that would transport items from point A to point B.

Build a vehicle that could complete a given obstacle course which consisted of water, sand, and other obstacles.

Case Study

Students work on the given problem and have to come up with a theoretical solution to it. Later they have to prepare a presentation and present it to the company, providing their analysis of the problem, as well as the solution to it from technical and financial perspectives.

Previous tasks:

NFQ“ atstovai studentams pateikė problemą, kuria buvo siekiama gauti praktiškai įgyvendinamų idėjų korupcijos lygiui sumažinti. Tuo tarpu „LitGRID“ dalyviams metė kitokio pobūdžio iššūkį – sumodeliuoti kuo geresnę oro liniją. Įmonės „MARS Lietuva“ atstovai suorganizavo vizitą į pačią įmonę. Jos metu studentai turėjo galimybę susipažinti su įmonėje vykstančiais gamybiniais procesais, o užduotis buvo susijusi su gamybine linija. Inžinerinių varžybų dalyviams teko spręsti dilemą, kaip sumažinti kačių ėdalo gabaliukų prilipimą prie dozavimo kolbų sienelių.

Teams were busy inventing bicycle all over again, and designing manufacturing line automation.

Case Study užduotys pristatytos trijų įmonių. Viena jų „Aedilis“, kurios pateikta užduotis – sukurti gamyklos efektyvumo vertinimo sistemą. Sprendinyje turėjo atsispindėti Industry 4.0 tendencijos ir technologijų taikymas vykdant gamybos resursų apskaitą, naudojant įvairius sensorius, skaitiklius ir kt. Antroji Case Study kategorijoje dalyvavusi įmonė – „TeleSoftas“. Jų užduotis buvo rasti sprendimą, kaip pagerinti mobilaus ryšio kokybę nedidelių kaimų teritorijose su mažiausiu investavimu į techninę įrangą. Ir trečioji šios kategorijos užduotis, kurią teikė įmonė „MARS Lietuva“, buvo automatizuoti vežimėlių su produktu suvežimą į sterilizatorių.

Students had a goal to design a new IT office, while keeping in mind various employees needs, as well as including leisure zones.

Studentai sulaukė dviejų užduočių. Pirmoji – sukurti dėžių rūšiavimo sistemą, buvo pateikta įmonės „MARS Lietuva“. Antrąją – sukurti sistemą, kaip tvarkingai sudėti cigarečių filtrus dėžėse, teikė „Philip Morris Lietuva“.

Frequently Asked Questions

EBEC is European BEST Engineering Competition, a two days event in which teams of 4 people compete in solving company provided engineering problems! There will be provided tasks of two categories: Case Study and Team Design.

On the first day you will analyse the task and prepare the solution for it. On the second day - finalize your solution and present it to everyone!

Event will happen on 26-29 of November, in KTU Student city. Exact location will be clarified later.

Case Study teams will participate on thursday-friday (26-27th), from 10:00 till 20:00. Case study teams will have the opportunity to participate either online or live in the event.

Team Design teams will participate on saturday-sunday (28-29th), from 10:00 till 20:00. Participation in Team Design category will be possible only live in the event.

The best teams will win prizes provided by our partners, as well as the opportunity to participate in the next round of EBEC! More information about the upcoming EBEC rounds will be shared soon.

EBEC Kaunas is open to all KTU students.

Teams will only have to participate during the time meant for chosen task category (Case Study - 26-27th, Team Design - 28-29th). Team Design teams will have to solve the task only during event time and in the event place.

Only registered participants will be allowed to participate.

Registration will happen until 31st of October or until all places in the event will be filled. After registration closes, we will not be able to accept additional participants.

By participating in EBEC Kaunas you can:

    • Get KTU “Badgecraft” badge, which will prove your participation in the event;
    • Demonstrate your engineering and problem solving skills;
    • Improve your teamwork, communication and creative thinking skills;
    • Get to know better most innovative companies in Lithuania and talk with their representatives;
    • Get a job or an internship;
    • Win EBEC Kaunas and represent KTU in the next round, where you will be competing with the best engineers from all across Europe!

Yes. If you need official excuse from lectures, let us know at kaunas@best.eu.org.

Case Study is one of the task categories in which you can compete. 

Case Study participants will get a theoretical problem and will have to find an innovative solution to it, as well as present it. You can use computers to complete the task.

Above in this page you can find task examples from previous years.

Team Design is one of the task categories in which you can compete. 

Team Design participants will get an engineering task. Your task will be, given the needed tools and materials, to construct a device or tool that will match the task description. Above in this page you can find task examples from previous years.

We want to help students communicate with companies and maybe even find a job or an internship! That’s why we’re asking for your CV, which we’ll later forward to companies participating in the event. CV can be in Lithuanian or English language.

Case Study teams should have at least one computer (more recommended).

Team Design teams will have all tools and materials provided.

Yes. All participants will get free lunch and snacks during the day.

To ensure participants’ and organizers’ safety in the event, all safety precautions will be taken, like social distancing, provided hand sanitizers, mandatory mask wearing. 

Case Study teams for the first time ever will have the opportunity to participate online as well as live in the event.

In case we would not be able to ensure participants' safety anymore due to changed safety requirements, Team Design will not happen anymore, while Case Study will happen only online.

Don't hesitate to contact us! By email: kaunas@best.eu.org, or on Facebook: BEST Kaunas.


Time left until EBEC Kaunas:
  • 00days
  • 00hours